Visual harvesting Training

Learn Visual Harvesting and add it to your skill-set as a coach, trainer, facilitator or communicator

and bring the power of essence and potential to your work.



“This is such a powerful process that allows the participants “see” what they have “heard” and thus not only adds another dimension for the comprehension of what has been shared, but also deepens the exploration”.
Nathalie Bayol

Leadership Coach, Trainer, Paris

“The work opens doors of awareness and understanding. It inspires clarity and effective action and also accelerates deeper understanding of what is being talked about.”
Alan Seale

Center for Transformational Presence, USA

This is way more than making pictures. This is all about deep sensing, and deep transformation!

Our trainings are unique in that you will learn the art of listening which we use when we work. We don’t just draw, we LISTEN. In fact, all the drawing is actually about listening very very deeply to people. When that happens, shifts also happen, and so do transformations. 

You will discover that you can create exceptional visual harvests when you master the art of getting out of your own way! So you gain a valuable life skill as well!

When you Learn Visual Harvesting with us, you will discover a whole lot more than you think!

Who is it for?

  • Coaches
  • Trainers,
  • Facilitators
  • In-house organisational groups.

Some results we can expect:

  • Opens us up to another dimension, a space in-between just beneath the surface of the conversation
  • Put us two steps ahead of our judgments as process professionals and free us up to think more creatively
  • Join the dots and connect multiple layers in conversations

Visuals created during a conversation or meeting accompany and entice us into an edge, a new space, a potential waiting to be explored.

Apart from the obvious aid to clearer communication, Visual Note-Taking can also help us to become creative and playful with the misinterpretations we constantly confront. It gets us out of the box or between the lines where we are freer to perceive, reinterpret and recreate possibility.



The Workshop Outcomes:

  • Experience and understand how versatile Visual Note-Taking can be within your own leadership, facilitation, training, consulting or coaching role
  • Understand what working visually means and the different contexts in which to use it
  • Surprise yourself at how easy it is to produce something visually satisfying and see how simple it is to integrate into your work
  • Learn how to draw a visual story as the presentation or conversation evolves
  • Learn how to pull out key concepts from conversations
  • Boost your confidence by following your intuition
  • See how the process helps you listen more deeply, make connections and gain insight from what is produced in your Visual Notes
  • Learn how to present your Visual Notes to a group
  • Picking up some pens and have fun

Drawing Competence: 

  • None upwards

If you would like to enrol this workshop or to bring it to your organisation, click here.

The images inspire conversations and the conversations show up as images. People take ownership of what emerges. The resonance amplifies the possibilities.”
David Robinson

Truly Powerful People, USA

A special thank you to Vanessa and Amber for creating the most beautiful and inspiring visuals of the wisdom shared. I consistently sat across from a powerful message and personal reminder which I carried back to the States and had framed. I’ve attached a photo of this brilliant artistry so you can see that each of you are with me daily in my office.
Jayne Garrett


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