Vision Quest

Clarify. Decide. Commit.



“A truly powerful, insightful and deeply intense session full of revelations and connections from which I emerge feeling both motivated for the future and serene about the now!” 
Julie A Kennedy

Kennedy Personal Coaching

“After the Vision Quest things feel connected and possible whereas before there were hurdles in my way. I feel that I am flowing, open and expanding into the future and can see now my past, present, and future.” 
Emily Bingley

Invitation to the Vision Quest

  • Is this a good time for you to step back, check in, and ‘draw out’ your vision for the coming year? 
  • What would you stand to gain? What would your relationships, and your work stand to gain?
  • What would you like to bring forward and create?
  • Are you ready to really CLARIFY, DECIDE, & COMMIT? 

What is it?

A service and a product: a one-off individual creative leadership session with your own visual map drawn from the session. 

How does it work?

  • We will take a deep and wide view of who you are and what is driving you
  • As you speak the resonant images and words are drawn into your Vision Quest. They are the potential showing up in which you can use to manifest your Vision Quest for the year
  • We create a Visual Map or Big Picture of the whole session which will serve as an anchor for you to centre back into in the year to come

How long and is the session?

1.5 hours


done on a sliding donation basis with a minimum and a maximum amount you can choose to pay

2020 is nearly over and for many it is becoming harder to maintain their ‘old normal’. More and more we are becoming aware that our separate selves are in reality in deep connection with the whole field of humanity. What is happening ‘over there’ feels like it’s right here. There has been much talk of the need for a ‘new normal’ which is so challenging for most of us because it is unknown to us and what we know in this moment feels better than what we don’t. But this moment is not fixed in time. This moment is being informed by all other moments so it is full of potential for something else.  

This is an invitation to relax and allow yourself to play a bit. To consider the possibility of creating something new or to bring forward something very deep inside yourself that may have never really seen the light of day, to start a conversation with that part of you so long left in the dark and to co-create a new reality with it. 

This is an invitation to bring your dreamer into the room, to step out of your old reactive thoughts and consider what might be beyond them and perhaps to even discover a ‘third way’ through it all and offer you the breakthrough you need.


If you would like to know more or enrol in this service, click here.

“My windows were cleaned again and they are crystal clear now. It was an experience in clearing your vision like taking a special cloth and cleaning your glasses”
Lucy Bosscher

Aspire Pilates

“You assisted me and made it possible to make some huge steps that at first appear to be nothing but then show up for what they are – enormous strides. Your presence and drawing enabled me to figure it out not in my mind but in my heart and my guts.”
Wiebe Zevenbergen

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